Thursday, October 21, 2010


It is NOT one of my strong suits.  There are, obviously, things that need to get done and things that I'd like to get done.

Twice in the last 5 days, my wonderful, charming, funny, handsome husband has cleaned my kitchen.  Once, he even cooked dinner.
Aside on MY Kitchen:  I call it my kitchen because it's HIS yard, my room, etc... Whoever is primarily responsible for it get's to use the personal pronoun.  It's also why they're HIS children... when they're misbehaving. 
Anyway, it bothers me that he did it.  Was I tired because I worked my tail off the rest of the day and just didn't get to it?  Or was I tired because I looked up 2 dozen coupon blogs and matched up my own coupon deals (lovin' Fred Meyer this week, btw)?  Or was I tired because I worked on silly Halloween costumes during naptime (they're so cute, though)? 

Chances are, I shouldn't be blogging.  I should be starting a load of laundry or cleaning the bathroom, I should be unloading the dishwasher or wiping off the table.  THEN, when I'm done, I can clip those coupons for FREE Kotex liners and Wet Ones.  Maybe knowing I have something free to look forward to will give me that extra little motivation!  Maybe... FREE can't wait!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, the Wet Ones deal at FM was a disappointment. My FM didn't have them 2/$1. And, I haven't been to Wal-Mart yet, but I do question the validity of that one too since the Kotex coupons have specific quantities specified.

    However, I did get free boxes of tissue and free Glade spray and 25 cent Glade Candles... all with printables! Maybe I'll blog about that later.
