I feel like I have a bit of a renewed purpose with my couponing and shopping. I get wild hairs quite frequently, actually. But here's why this time...
First of all, couponing requires brain cells. Since I have a severe case of Mommy Brain, exercising my gray matter really makes me feel normal.
Secondly, I want to be a good steward of what I have. I don't have much (materially speaking) right now, but I firmly believe that someone who is "...faithful in a very little is also faithful in much" (Luke 16:10). I want to be ready for a future season of plenty.
Thirdly, I really want to be in a position to give to those in need.
I found this link to help me hone in a little on when I should stock up and when I should keep looking. That particular website teaches the how-to of couponing pretty well. I knew I was paying too much for Dish Detergent!
While I'm pretty good at couponing already, I've got a lot to learn. I'll try to take you, Dear Reader, along on my journey so that you can learn with me.
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