Friday, October 12, 2012

Being Pregnant Is...

Being pregnant is...

...dreaming you got up to pee and then being so glad you actually got up to pee because everyone knows what happens when you dream you're in the bathroom but you're not.

...being mildly frustrated that the 2 ½ year old woke up shortly after you got back to sleep.

...wondering why you have to pee so bad since you just went pee.

...realizing - while you're getting him a drink of water - that you had a dream within a dream and hadn't gone pee at all.

...being so grateful that he woke up thirsty because everyone knows what happens when you dream you're in the bathroom but you're not.

...not being able to go back to sleep because of mild pregnancy induced insomnia.

...always an adventure.

I'm 14 weeks along with "Six Pack"!

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny! We're 9 weeks along with #5 and I'm here with you. :)
