Friday, May 11, 2012

*kick kick*

Last Friday, I went to pick up Kyle from work. We stopped at JCPenny on our way back to look for some additional work clothes for him on their bi-monthly markdown day.  While we were there, I wandered through the home department looking for a steal of a deal on an iron.  I didn't find one.

What I did find was even better... Fiesta dinnerware.  Square place settings of Fiesta marked down to $4 per setting.  My best guess is that someone ordered them online then returned them to the store and the store wanted their shelf space back.  There were probably 20 place settings in an array of colors: red, yellow, orange, and a cute Mexican print.

It gave me pause, but I've been in the "I have no money" mindset so long that I didn't see the bigger picture.  These place settings retail for $25 and I found them on ebay for $35.  If nothing else, I could've hocked them and made a profit.  But, much to my eternal shame, I didn't buy them.

I didn't buy them?  *kick myself*

Really, I didn't buy them? *kick kick*

*kick kick*

I was telling my mom this story last night, and you'd think a puppy had died... we were both almost in tears.  I wish I was kidding.

I could've had service for 12 for $48!  Service for 12.
So today, I asked Kyle to stop back by JCPenny.  I have not had 24 hours without thinking about those silly dishes.  Keep in mind, the service for 8 I bought 3 years ago is already down to 60% of the original set.  But this stuff comes with a 5 year chip-warranty.

Did I mention that they were only $4?  $48 for service for 12!!!!!  AND a chip warranty!!!!!
I didn't buy them? *kick kick*
So I opened my mouth to whisper a prayer... for dishes.  Say what?

Well, I started to open my mouth to whisper a prayer for dishes, and I stopped.

I stopped because I think it's kind of irreverent to ask The Creator of Heaven and Earth for dishes.  Isn't He a little preoccupied with... something?  But then I remembered the ties.  The Creator of Heaven and Earth saw fit to align the stars for Kyle to have a lovely tie collection, why wouldn't The Lover of my Soul align the stars for me to have a lovely set of dishes too?

So, I did it.  I said (and I'm saying it again right now as I type it),

"Dear Jesus, You are so good.  It seems silly to ask for something so simple yet I know You are in every detail of my life.  Could You please keep everyone else from buying my dishes - since You are outside of time - and save them for me?  It would bless me immensely and bring glory to Your Name as I serve delicious food on beautiful place settings for years to come.  Of course, if they are gone, I trust wholeheartedly that You have something even more beautiful in mind for me.  And I really look forward to that surprise!"

Stay tuned...

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