Friday, August 27, 2010

Farewell to an Old Friend

After 13 years of faithful service, you betrayed me one last time.  You embarassed me in front of my friend when you wouldn't make another pot yesterday.  That was the last straw.  Now, you're gone.

Good bye and good riddance.



  1. I wasn't upset at Mr. Coffee!!!! Hope he has a more reliable replacement.

  2. 13 years?!? What a great investment! Let us see... if you paid $30 for the maker and made coffee an average of 3x per week x 52 weeks x 13 years, it cost you 1.5 cents per pot of coffee for it's service ;) I'd say you got your money's worth! hehe

  3. better yet, it was a gift!!!

    and yes, Jere Ann, he has a lovely replacement... a more formal black Mr. Coffee. :)
